Thursday, April 24, 2008

Statement from the Synod

I don't know about you, but all I heard was "We did this without good planning, and then had a secret meeting about it afterwards. Oh, and by the way, we did it because of money so please stop talking about it.".

Keep your eye on the blogs listed to the right for thoughtful responses to the latest statement.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

News Story

more photos:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Server Problems

It seems that Petition Online has been having intermittent server errors over the past few days. Today is the worst day so far. Please keep trying and check back to sign. We have over 7000 names and we'd love to have yours! :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Life News & more from the WSJ

I'm out of town and have limited access to email. Please check the links in the sidebar for breaking news (especially Save the LCMS).

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Swiped from Christopher Esget

For those of you who haven't followed the "Issues" scandal carefully, here is a summary of the latest information and news:

President Kieschnick responded to Mollie Ziegler Hemingway's article in the Wall Street Journal. President Kieschnick states that KFUO was losing a lot of money, but goes on to say that the LCMS had "its most positive and unified convention in years." He cites as evidence of our unity Ablaze!(tm). Pastor David Petersen commentson Kieschnick's response, pointing out that Ablaze!(tm) is an excellent example of our disunity. He summarizes, "[Kieschnick's] presidency is the most divisive we've ever known."

Mollie Hemingway was interviewed by Michael Horton of the White Horse Inn regarding her article. Click here to download the audio directly (mp3).

The LCMS Foundation was keeping 40% of money raised for Issues, Etc. - much higher than the 10% industry standard. Additionally, the head of the Foundation, Tom Ries, is alleged to have been antagonistic toward the program because it was critical of Joel Osteen.

At least some members of the Board for Communications Services were not consulted, and do not approve of the decision. The BCS did not vote to cancel the program, and under church governance rules, the decision was illegal.

"Save the LCMS!" puts the supposed financial losses at KFUO and Issues into perspective. The alleged losses are approximately 0.25% of the Synodical budget.

BCS Executive Director David Strand's statementregarding the popularity of the show did not include downloads or podcasting. Adding in those numbers paints an entirely different picture. Here is a chart just of the downloads. Sources say that Strand knew that his numbers were inaccurate.

While Synodical HQ is saying that they couldn't afford the alleged $250,000 that Issues, Etc. cost, it has been learned that Kieschnick sought and was granted a $5,000,000 (five MILLION dollars) line of credit for Ablaze!(tm). This after he already is alleged to have spent $3,000,000 in donations earmarked for human care.

This runs far deeper than a bureaucratic decision regarding a radio program. The "issues" revealed here go to the core of our purpose and identity as a church. Secrecy, falsified or misleading statements, a failure to keep the Gospel message the main thing, mistreatment of faithful servants - none of these things should even be named in the house of God. If you are concerned--and you should be--what can you do? Please see the conclusion to Christopher's previous post here.